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Corporate Leaders Groups

Business leadership for a climate neutral economy

30 October 2024 - Today's Autumn Statement outlined the Chancellor's choices and decisions about the nation's finances. The UK Corporate Leaders Group has provided a rapid reaction to the contents of today's announcement.

Beverley Cornaby, Director of the UK Corporate Leaders Group, said:

"Today’s Autumn Budget was marked with calls to ‘invest, invest, invest’ and the promise to break the cycle of short-termism.

As CLG UK, we continue to urge businesses to respond to the Invest 2035 consultation, recognising it as a pivotal opportunity to shape the next steps towards a stable, low-carbon future in the UK. Economic stability and consistent leadership are critical for unlocking the investment needed to drive sustainable growth and achieve net-zero targets.

Businesses now need to see this vision translated into concrete action. Commitments like the £100bn funding for GB Energy, the focus on clean energy projects, and the promise of a growth-oriented, innovation-driven economy all point towards a pathway forward. But delivering on these priorities without delay is essential if we are to foster a truly robust low-carbon economy across the UK.

We look forward to seeing this framework in action, with policies that turn intent into impact for a prosperous and sustainable future.”

Read more about the Corporate Leaders Groups.

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Zoe Kalus, Head of Media

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