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Business leadership for a climate neutral economy

9 November 2023 - The Nature Narrative Toolkit is a resource for CLG Europe members and business leaders, focusing on how to align climate and nature policies for a sustainable Europe. It offers background information, emphasizes the importance of nature for businesses, outlines CLG Europe's focus areas, and showcases relevant business projects. Essentially, it's a guide for advocacy and discussions on effective nature policies supporting the European Green Deal objectives.

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About the Nature Narrative Toolkit

The Nature Narrative Toolkit for Business Climate Leaders has been crafted as a valuable resource tailored for CLG Europe members and business leaders who are dedicated to harmonizing climate and nature policies to address the critical problem of landscape degradation. Recognizing the dire need to tackle ongoing climate and nature crises and the challenges they pose;, this toolkit can inform strategic and structured engagement with nature-related policies.

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide CLG Europe members and business leaders with the knowledge required to advocate for the integration of climate and nature policies, through practical examples of business best practices put in the perspective of the European relevant policy landscape. It serves as a comprehensive guide,  to understand the significance of nature for businesses and financiers, explore potential focus areas for CLG Europe, and gain insights from practical business projects and activities that support a nature-positive agenda. By doing so, it empowers readers to become effective advocates for robust, well-designed nature policies that align with the objectives of the European Green Deal and promote a sustainable and resilient future for Europe.


CLG Europe is an influential and cross-sectoral group of European businesses collaborating to accelerate economy-wide action for a climate neutral economy. Our aim is to provide a forum to promote positive exchange between progressive European governments and businesses determined to support the development of a climate neutral and prosperous Europe.

Published: November 2023


The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not represent an official position of CISL or any of its individual business partners or clients.


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