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Corporate Leaders Groups

Business leadership for a climate neutral economy
CLG Europe Nature Hub

This knowledge hub includes thought leadership and media reactions from the Corporate Leaders Group Europe (CLG Europe) on the need to harness the climate and nature agendas to increase the resilience of our economy.

CLG Europe members are industry leaders from a range of sectors including energy, infrastructure, retail and consumer goods, finance and the built environment.  They are committed to playing a leadership role in securing an equitable transition to a net zero and nature positive economy. Leading companies such as CLG Europe members recognise the need to harness the EU’s climate and nature ambitions to address the combined impacts of biodiversity and climate crises which create long-term risks to business, consumers and wider society who depend on nature. They are developing solutions and making ambitious commitments through science-based targets initiative and creating transformative solutions to align their climate, nature and energy transition actions.

The European Green Deal has set out how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Among its ambitions, it includes several nature-focused initiatives covering biodiversity, forests, land use, and agriculture, which are key to set the EU’s nature ambitions in becoming a climate-neutral economy. These include the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and its landmark Nature Restoration Law initiative which sets binding nature restoration targets at the EU level and is first of its kind in terms of scale and ecosystems covered. The Sustainable Carbon Cycles Communication, and its regulatory framework for the certification of carbon removals, as well as the EU forest strategy for 2030 and the Fit for 55 Package’s Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Regulation were among the key topics that aimed at increasing the EU’s climate and nature resilience. The Farm to Fork Strategy which includes objectives to reduce the use of and risks from chemical pesticides and to increase the amount of EU agricultural land for organic farming as well as the upcoming Sustainable Food Systems Initiative due in Q3/4 2023 are also key pieces of legislations that aim to strengthen the sustainability of the food on our table.

Please see some of CLG Europe’s key outputs on the topic below.

To learn more about CISL’s broader work on nature, please check the CISL Nature positive hub  here.


Key outputs

Report: Nature Narrative Toolkit for Business Climate Leaders

Business networks call for robust Nature Restoration Law to align EU’s nature and climate ambitions

CLG Europe’s rapid reaction to the European Commissions Nature Restoration Law Proposal


Businesses call on the European Commission to not further delay in proposal for legally binding nature restoration targets

Policy Briefing: “Towards a
sustainable food future for Europe”

Policy Briefing: “A new agenda for Europe: Business priorities to
deliver a prosperous, climate
neutral economy”


Policy Briefing: “From Risk to Resilience: The Business Imperative of Nature Restoration”