20 September 2023 - Following recent concerns that the Prime Minister intends to weaken the UK’s climate policies in a number of areas, CLG UK and a number of our members have joined a wide range of businesses, business groups, NGOs, academics and others to demonstrate the broad commitment to the UK’s net zero goal and support for the policies needed to deliver this.
In response, Director of Corporate Leaders Groups, Eliot Whittington, said:
“Today’s announcement is a body blow for net zero policies, fundamental to the energy transition that will make a real difference to our future from insulating homes and rolling out clean heat to manufacturing electric vehicles. The business community has already made substantial investments and made it clear that sticking to long-term net zero policies is crucial to securing long-term financial support. By going back on previous commitments, the Prime Minister jeopardises investment and job creation and sets up bigger bills for the country to pay.
“The government has rightly enshrined net zero into law and rolling back now, not only undermines business confidence but also sends a confusing message to the British public. UK business and finance leaders urgently want to see more leadership from the government at this critical time keeping our reputation and credibility at the forefront of global climate action intact. Strengthening not weakening our focus on net zero is essential to safeguarding a more stable climate and the knock-on effects of acting now are manifold from creating new jobs to advancing competitiveness and generating economic growth. It’s clear that chopping and changing on climate ambition can only raise costs for the UK public and the prospect of a worse future for people and planet.”
The science is clear on the risks posed by climate change and the need for transformative action starting now. The economic arguments are also becoming increasingly clearer – the transition to a net zero economy is the major opportunity of this century, contributing to lower costs of living and with the potential to deliver higher economic growth and more and better jobs in the green economy.
Businesses are already committed to lowering their emission and are taking the important steps to turn this ambition into action. To do this they need policy certainty and political leadership from government. CLG UK has been working with businesses to help unlock the policy levers needed to meet our net zero goal. Following a long period of political instability, this latest intervention does self-inflicted harm to UK efforts, and risks our global climate leadership, which has previously been a key UK strength.
Read more about the letter signed by more than 400 businesses and NGOs here.