29 July 2021 - Launched in 2020, the UN-backed campaign Race to Zero aims to build momentum for the global race to net zero emissions. The Corporate Leaders Groups have joined the coalition as “Accelerators” to help unlock sustainable and inclusive growth and create decent jobs.
The Corporate Leaders Groups have become official Race to Zero Accelerators. Accelerators are part of the global Race To Zero campaign that aims to rally climate leadership from a wide array of stakeholders, including businesses, cities, regions, universities, and investors. The overarching goal for all members is halving emissions by 2030 and achieving net zero emissions as soon as possible, by 2050 at the latest. The Race to Zero campaign is led by the High-Level Climate Champions for Climate Action, Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz, and has so far mobilised 708 cities, 24 regions, 2,360 businesses, 163 of the biggest investors, and 624 Higher Education Institutions, bringing together leading decarbonisation initiatives.
The Race to Zero Accelerators commit to amplifying membership by supporting their members in their Race to Zero applications and by spreading awareness of the Campaign through messaging and events. Race to Zero members need to respect a set of criteria, by pledging to have emissions reduction targets in line with the goals of the Paris agreement, planning accordingly the actions needed to achieve the target, and periodically reporting on progress.
Just over one year on from the launch of Race to Zero, the campaign has seen a tenfold increase in SMEs and a fivefold increase in the number of financial institutions, besides including almost 1,000 cities and over 600 higher education institutions. The campaign now counts over 4,500 non-state actors across the global economy.
Ursula Woodburn, Head of EU Relations, CLG Europe said: “To reach the Paris agreement goals, we need to accelerate the transition to net zero economies. To scale up the pace, all stakeholders need to contribute. The quicker we reach this goal, the sooner we will enjoy the benefits of a safer and healthier world. CLG Europe is therefore proud to join the thousands of businesses, cities, regions, universities and investors in the world’s largest climate action campaign ever – Race to Zero – as an Accelerator. We are looking forward to building the momentum towards global net zero emissions.”
Beverley Cornaby, Senior Programme Manager, CLG UK and Chair, BGA said: “In this milestone year for the UK as it hosts COP26 and releases its much anticipated Net Zero Strategy, CLG UK is proud to demonstrate climate leadership through joining the Race to Zero campaign as an Accelerator. Businesses will play a key role in the transition to a net zero economy, and CLG UK members are already leading the way, demonstrating the actions required by all businesses to accelerate the transition. As a Race to Zero Accelerator, CLG UK looks forward to providing a vital voice to drive increased business climate ambition across the economy.”