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Corporate Leaders Groups

Business leadership for a climate neutral economy
Green Growth Summit 2024

The Green Growth Summit, the flagship high level event of the Green Growth Partnership, took place on 16 December in Brussels and online. The Summit brought together Ministers and State Secretaries of the Green Growth Group and high-level representatives from the European institutions and business.

In a context of the start of a new institutional cycle, the Summit addressed the central role of climate and the Green Deal in increasing the EU’s competitiveness and how to put the EU on track for the achievement of climate objectives looking towards 2030 and 2040.

Main takeaways available here

The full recording is available here.
The full programme is available here.

Press release and quotes

The Summit included the following sessions:

  • A fireside chat on ‘A vision for the EU in 2029 – Climate neutrality and prosperity’ which set the scene by reflecting on what a European economy and society aligned with climate objectives and current political priorities, like competitiveness and energy security, would look like. How can policies and business action turn this vision into a reality? 
  • A session on ‘Making the case for climate action and the Green Deal to be the cornerstone of the Clean Industrial Deal’ during which speakers addressed why climate action, and the Green Deal should be the cornerstone of the Clean Industrial Deal, and the strategy that needs to be put in place for achieving competitiveness and climate objectives hand in hand.
  • A session on ‘Climate targets – Implementation and ambition: Two sides of the same coin’ during which speakers discussed what should be done to put the EU and Member states on track to achieve climate targets for 2030, why it is important to uphold a high level of ambition for the economy and society  with a robust climate target for 2040, and the implications of COP29 for the EU.

Speakers included:

  • Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for the Ecological Transition, Energy, Climate and Risk Prevention, France
  • Eamon Ryan, Minister for the Environment, Climate, Communications and Transport, Ireland
  • Tore Onshuus Sandvik, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway
  • Krzysztof Bolesta, Deputy Minister of Climate and Energy, Poland
  • Līga Kurevska, State Secretary, Ministry of Climate and Energy, Latvia
  • Uroš Vajgl, State Secretary for Environmental and Climate Policy, Slovenia
  • Jan Dusík, Deputy Director-General, DG Climate Action, European Commission
  • Lars Petersson, Chief Executive Officer, VELUX Group
  • Jes Munk Hansen, Chief Executive Officer, ROCKWOOL
  • Alice Steenland, Chief of Strategy, Sustainability and Marketing, Signify
  • Karen Pflug, Chief Sustainability Officer, IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)
  • Carine de Boissezon, Chief Impact Officer, EDF
  • Gonzalo Saenz de Miera, CLG Europe Chair & Director of Climate Change and Alliances, Iberdrola

The event was moderated by Jacki Davis, an experienced journalist, speaker and moderator.

This event was organised with the kind support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action of Portugal.

The Green Growth Partnership (GGP) is a joint initiative between members of CLG Europe and ministers of the Green Growth Group (GGG). The GGP has been convened by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) for a decade. It provides a forum to promote positive exchange between European Climate and Environment Ministers from the Green Growth Group and businesses, with regular involvement of like-minded high-level representatives from the European Commission and MEPs, and other key stakeholders and opinion formers, determined to support the development of a climate neutral, nature positive and prosperous Europe.

CLG Europe is convened by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)). CLG Europe develops credible, ambitious positions amongst its membership and deploys effective strategic communications to engage with the highest levels of policy audiences. CLG Europe is diverse in its membership and representative of Europe in both geography and sector, welcoming the innovative talent of SMEs as well as leading established companies. The group works closely with policymakers and maintains a network of sister groups across the EU and works in partnership with some of the largest business-focused organisations in support of climate action as one of the founders of the We Mean Business Coalition, for which it provides the EU policy lead.


Press contact:


Monday, 16 December, 2024 - 12:30 to 18:00