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Corporate Leaders Groups

Business leadership for a climate neutral economy
Read more at: CLG Europe hosted a high-level launch event: "The Green Deal and Beyond: A Business Agenda for a Sustainable, Competitive and Resilient Europe". 19th June, 10.00-12.30 CEST, Brussels

CLG Europe hosted a high-level launch event: "The Green Deal and Beyond: A Business Agenda for a Sustainable, Competitive and Resilient Europe". 19th June, 10.00-12.30 CEST, Brussels

17 July 2024 - On 19 June 2024, Corporate Leaders Groupe Europe, partnering with We Mean Business Coalition, launched a joint report “The Green Deal and Beyond: A Business Agenda for a Sustainable, Competitive and Resilient Europe” at a high-level event in Brussels.

Read more at: New policy briefing from the UK Corporate Leaders Group sets out how a Labour government can help businesses take climate action now

New policy briefing from the UK Corporate Leaders Group sets out how a Labour government can help businesses take climate action now

10 July 2024 - The UK Corporate Leaders Group (CLG UK), convened by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, had published its key recommendations and examples from leading businesses on how to build a sustainable, competitive and resilient economy.

Read more at: CLG UK rapid reaction to the UK General Election results

CLG UK rapid reaction to the UK General Election results

05 July 2024 - Millions of voters took to the polls yesterday for the UK general election, with today's results revealing Labour will form the next UK government after a sweeping victory. Beverley Cornaby, Director of the UK Corporate Leaders Group, and CLG UK's co-chairs, Alex O'dell and Sophie Miremadi, react to this result.

Read more at: UK Business Group Alliance for Net Zero convened at London Climate Action Week to discuss what the government needs to urgently address
BGA Business Leaders' Summit

UK Business Group Alliance for Net Zero convened at London Climate Action Week to discuss what the government needs to urgently address

04 July 2024 - Last week, the UK Business Group Alliance for Net Zero (BGA) held its Business Leaders’ Summit on 26 June at the Design Museum in London. Discussion centred around policy gaps and paths for success for the UK government.

Read more at: CLG Europe holds Brussels event to launch its business agenda following the recent European elections
Green Deal Brussels event

CLG Europe holds Brussels event to launch its business agenda following the recent European elections

20 June 2024 - The Green Deal and Beyond: A Business Agenda for a Sustainable, Competitive and Resilient Europe’ launch event was attended by key figures to discuss the critical guide for the incoming institutions.

Read more at: Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) Europe releases post-election Business Agenda on the Green Deal and beyond
Globe network

Corporate Leaders Group (CLG) Europe releases post-election Business Agenda on the Green Deal and beyond

19 June 2040 - CLG Europe, convened by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, publishes a briefing with key recommendations from leading businesses on how to build on a sustainable, competitive and resilient EU.

Read more at: Paulig, Robeco, PKA, Revenga, Haga Initiative and EMZ partners join the call for the EU to set a climate target of at least 90% by 2040 and place climate at the centre of strategic priorities.
Wind turbines

Paulig, Robeco, PKA, Revenga, Haga Initiative and EMZ partners join the call for the EU to set a climate target of at least 90% by 2040 and place climate at the centre of strategic priorities.

13 June 2024 - Paulig Group, Robeco, PKA, Revenga, Haga Intiative, EMZ, East Capital, Euroheat & Power, Revenga Smart Solutions and CCLA Investment Management joined over 100 businesses and investors calling on the EU to place climate at the centre of the strategy that aims to increase the EU’s competitiveness, resilience and energy security.

Read more at: UK Corporate Leaders Group becomes an official partner of the first UK Net Zero Business Census
Net Zero Business Census

UK Corporate Leaders Group becomes an official partner of the first UK Net Zero Business Census

20 May 2024 - The UK Corporate Leaders Group is delighted to be an official partner of the first UK Net Zero Business Census.

Read more at: UK businesses want a consistent net zero policy – not a laissez-faire approach

UK businesses want a consistent net zero policy – not a laissez-faire approach

09 May 2024 - The Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary's mixed messaging around net zero last week could bruise investor confidence in the green economy, writes Beverley Cornaby, Director of the UK Corporate Leaders Group.

Read more at: Ed Miliband quoted UK Corporate Leaders Group Director Beverley Cornaby during key climate address
Ed Miliband giving keynote speech at Innovation Zero conference in London, 1 May 2024

Ed Miliband quoted UK Corporate Leaders Group Director Beverley Cornaby during key climate address

01 May 2024 - The Shadow Secretary of State for Climate Change and Net Zero was delivering a keynote address at the Innovation Zero conference in London today when he quoted Beverley Cornaby’s stance on governments needing to provide consistency for business.