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Corporate Leaders Groups

Business leadership for a climate neutral economy

CLG Europe Materials & Products Taskforce’s rapid reaction to the March Circular Economy Package

30 March 2022

30 March 2022 - Today the European Commission released its First 2022 Circular Economy Package. This is a key moment for the transition towards a climate neutral and circular future. The package includes an array of horizontal and sector-specific legislation which aims to accelerate the transformation towards a European Circular Economy, including the widely anticipated Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR).

Blog: Reading the Renovation Wave

28 March 2022

29 March 2022 - Reading the Renovation Wave: a blog from Mirella Vitale, SVP Marketing, Communication and Public Affairs at ROCKWOOL Group

High-level event: ‘Building a Circular & Climate Neutral Economy: Reaction to the March Circular Economy Package’ On behalf of CLG Europe’s Materials and Products Taskforce. 1 April.

21 March 2022

This high-level webinar event gathers reactions from key players to the release of the Circular Economy Package I on 30th March on topics including the Sustainable Products Initiative, Textile strategy, Right to repair and Construction.

Friday, 1 April, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:30

High-level event: ‘The EU Sustainable Products Policy Framework: Changing the Game or Missing the Point?’ On behalf of CLG Europe and GLOBE EU. Monday 28 February, 16.00 – 17.30 CET (Online).

22 February 2022

This high-level webinar brought together key players across business, academia, and policymaking to discuss the need for a systematic approach to advancing circular design solutions.

Monday, 28 February, 2022 - 16:00

Policy Briefing: Accelerating the transition to a climate neutral and circular economy – How the EU can deliver through the Sustainable Products Initiative

16 December 2021

16 December 2021 - The new policy briefing from the Taskforce for climate neutral and circular materials and Products highlights its recommendations for the upcoming Sustainable Products Initiative.

High-level event: Launch of the Sustainable Products Initiative Policy Briefing on behalf of the Materials and Products Taskforce. 16 December

10 December 2021

Learn more about how CLG’s new Materials and Products Taskforce is driving forward conversations on the role of low carbon materials & products in the wider climate debate.

Thursday, 16 December, 2021 - 14:00 to 15:30

Policy Briefing: Preparing for the storm: The role of UK business and government in improving UK resilience to climate change in the UK

11 November 2021

11 November 2021 - As COP26 focuses on the built environment, the UK Corporate Leaders Group (CLG UK) launches its new report highlighting the role and interaction of business and policy in supporting resilient places.

Policy Briefing: ‘Fit for 55? A progressive business perspective on the EU’s transformative climate package’ analyses the Fit for 55 Package across key sectors.

4 October 2021

4 October 2021 - The new CLG Europe policy briefing identifies gaps to be addressed by policymakers and how business can support the implementation of an ambitious package.

Policy Briefing: Towards a sustainable food future for Europe

11 June 2021

14 June 2021 - CLG Europe’s policy briefing explores how to make food systems more sustainable by looking at solutions from production to consumption and waste, illustrated with best practices from the private sector, and provides recommendations on how EU policies, such as the Farm to Fork Strategy, can contribute to the achievement of the transition towards a sustainable food system at EU and global level.

Reports, Evidence and Insights

8 June 2021

One of the main roles of the Corporate Leaders Group is to develop and document insights from the business community that can help support stronger climate action. These outputs underpin many of the key milestones achieved by the CLG over time. The Corporate Leaders Groups' work covers a range of...