Corporate Leaders Groups top InfluenceMap ranking on climate policy engagement
14 April 2022
20 April 2022 - InfluenceMap has recently launched an interactive platform tracking influencing efforts of companies and industry associations on key files within the EU Green Deal’s landmark initiative of the ‘Fit for 55’ package. The Corporate Leaders Groups were awarded an “A” ranking for their ongoing policy engagement for climate action, topping the industrial association list.
Blog: Net Zero in troubled times: our route to a strong and resilient economy
1 April 2022
1 April 2022 - Eliot Whittington, Director of the Corporate Leaders Groups, considers why it is more important than ever that we stay on track for net zero, to create strong and resilient economies around the world.
CLG Europe Materials & Products Taskforce’s rapid reaction to the March Circular Economy Package
30 March 2022
30 March 2022 - Today the European Commission released its First 2022 Circular Economy Package. This is a key moment for the transition towards a climate neutral and circular future. The package includes an array of horizontal and sector-specific legislation which aims to accelerate the transformation towards a European Circular Economy, including the widely anticipated Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR).
Blog: Reading the Renovation Wave
28 March 2022
29 March 2022 - Reading the Renovation Wave: a blog from Mirella Vitale, SVP Marketing, Communication and Public Affairs at ROCKWOOL Group
Amazon joins CISL’s UK and European Corporate Leaders Groups to support progress towards net zero
18 March 2022
21 March 2022 - Amazon has joined the UK and European Corporate Leaders Groups (CLG UK and CLG Europe) convened by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership in support of a sustainable and climate neutral economy.
CLG Europe has elected its Chair and Vice-Chair
17 March 2022
In February 2022, Harry Verhaar, Vice President at Signify was re-elected as Chair of CLG Europe and Gonzalo Sáenz de Miera, Global Director of Climate Change and Alliances at Iberdrola was elected as Vice- Chair. In their role as Chair and Vice-Chair, Harry and Gonzalo will advise on the strategic development of CLG Europe and help to represent the interests and concerns of the group’s business leaders.
Consultant required to co-produce a report for CLG Europe
15 March 2022
Consultant required to co-produce a report for CLG Europe From ambition to delivery: How can policy enable and encourage more sustainable choices by business and households in the EU? (working title) Deadline for applicants: 28 March 2022
10 March 2022
In February, CLG Europe held a roundtable discussion with the European Commission, Member States and business representatives. This discussion focused upon the role of a circular economy, and how this can support our aims in both relieving stresses on our requirements for Raw Materials, whilst also building a sustainable, competitive economy that is fit for meeting the multiple challenges of growth and climate neutrality. This discussion took place ahead of the February Competitivenesss Council.
4 March 2022
7 March 2022 - In an open letter sent as Russian troops continue their offensive in Ukraine, the European Corporate Leaders Group (CLG Europe) and We Mean Business Coalition urge European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to view the Green Deal not only as the de facto growth strategy for the EU, but also at the heart of energy security.
28 February 2022
1 March 2022 - Business networks from across Europe recently came together with policymakers to have a positive exchange on how businesses can support Europe’s transition towards climate neutrality. This event allowed all participants to have a constructive exchange on how the Fit for 55 Package can deliver the transition towards a climate neutral and prosperous EU, including by supporting businesses to develop and scale up these practices.