Learn more about how CLG’s new Materials and Products Taskforce is driving forward conversations on the role of low carbon materials & products in the wider climate debate.
Read the summary note from the webinar.
Context and background
On 30 November 2022, The European Commission released its latest set of circular economy policies. This included key files such as the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.
The purpose of this event was to react to the release of these pieces of legislation and provide a space for key stakeholders to give initial responses to the new legislative initiatives, including policymakers, businesses and third sector organisations.
The focus of this event was on the new policies and how they fit into the wider movement towards a more circular European economy. The event offered a collective space to discuss the policies whilst also giving a progressive business view.
This event was hosted by CLG Europe’s Taskforce on Climate Neutral and Circular Materials and Products. The Taskforce was launched with the aim of driving forward policy action on sustainable materials by bringing together a group of progressive businesses across sectors and value chains.
The group brings together companies that are actively committed to producing and using climate neutral and sustainable materials, and who want to work together to promote and support EU-wide measures to decarbonise material production and use. At COP27, the Taskforce launched its latest publication investigating the links between circular economy and climate
We previously hosted a webinar following the March circular economy package. Following the release of the package, the Materials and Products Taskforce released its rapid reaction and more in-depth analysis. Since the release of the package, the Taskforce has been particularly focusing on the ESPR and has published a report exploring the benefits of digital products passports.
CLG Europe is an influential and cross-sectoral group of European businesses collaborating to accelerate economy-wide action for a climate neutral economy. Our aim is to provide a forum to promote positive exchange between progressive European governments and businesses, determined to support the development of a climate neutral and prosperous Europe.
Speakers included:
- Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
- Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit, From Waste to Resources, European Commission
- MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen, European Parliament
- Marta Lima Basto, Deputy Director General for Economic Activities, Ministry of Economy and Maritime Affairs, Portugal
- Ioana Popescu, Head of Circular Economy, ECOS
- Larissa Copello, Consumption and Production Campaigner, Zero Waste Europe
- Caterina Rocca, Head of Construction Products and Circularity in Regulatory Affairs, Rockwool
- Ramon Arratia, VP Global Sustainability, Ball Corporation
If you have any questions about this event, please contact salome.lehtman@cisl.cam.ac.uk